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Business Visitors: Working Without A Work Permit

In many cases, business visitors to Canada do not require a Canadian work permit.  A business visitor is a foreign national who comes to C...

Intra-Company Transfers to Canada: How to Get a Work Permit

Foreign businesses with a parent company, branch, subsidiary, or affiliate in Canada have the option to bring key personnel to Canada thro...

International Mobility Program: LMIA-Exempt Foreign Workers

Many foreign nationals do not need a Labour Market Impact Assessment (LMIA) to work in Canada. LMIA-exempt foreign workers fall under what...

How to Get a Work Permit in Canada

Most foreign nationals need a work permit to work in Canada. Broadly speaking, there are two categories of foreign workers in Canada.  The...

A work permit enables a foreign national to work in Canada temporarily. Canada offers more than 100 different options to foreign workers.

A work permit enables a foreign national to work in Canada temporarily. Canada offers more than 100 different options to foreign workers. ...